Friday 27 July 2012

Sterling - The Thaumetal Artisan - Hiatus

So here's some more stuff for Sterling and the last for a while. These were all done by sketching over a hastily done template sketch as a quick way to get some side-by-side comparisons.

The inkling gave me a bit of jip wit these two, but I'm still learning how to use it and where on the page to stick the sensor and such.

I accidentally drew the arm before I turned the inkling on with the one on the right.. whoops.

I'm fairly pleased with these two, but i'll return to Sterling after a bit of a break since:

This guy came along. That's Jayce the 100th Champion to be released in League of Legends. 
While I'm not sure he's the best pick for the monumental 100th release I love him, he's fun to play and he looks excellent.
Main problem being he's stolen pretty much all of the design cues and visual style I was running with for Sterling. The whole Aviator look especially, but he also used the one huge armoured arm thing too!
So I need to go back to the think-tank with Sterling and I want to give myself a bit of time for that, so I'm gonna work on some other characters for a while first.

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