Wednesday 25 July 2012

Metroid Resonance - Samus

So this is some more stuff from the Metroid project. This is my attempt to try and design a new suit for Samus.

Since it was based on european folklore I thought having a sort of medieval knight feel to the suit would be a cool idea. I played around with having her in a full silver outfit but it kinda ended up looking a little too much like a federation trooper for my liking.
I ended up sticking with the core orange and red colouring as it was a fast-track way to make it look like Samus, and layering the 'armour' on actually accentuated the idea of a knight's battle-garb.

This was kinda my final reference sheet, but I'd like to stress that it's not done with modelers in mind, it was for me to draw from, so the proportions are not great and some of it doesn't work so well in 3D.

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